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Back in early 90s I used Argentina's National Comission for Public Libraries computing facilities. Local pre-Internet X25 packet-switching data-network access was provided there, collectively known as ARPAC.

By operating library PCs, modem access could be established into a remote free (and limited) computing node at the University of Buenos Aires, known as ATINA UUCP. While using these shell facilities I learnt it was possible to enact electronic file transactions or even jump to several Argentine sites (SCI & EDU).

In those days GOPHER was the telematic method of preference at the Inter-University Network (RIU). It was such a novelty and easy solution for document creation, even a national news service was implemented via a simple public access directory - a computerized archive!.

There I learnt about SDF-1 ("the Robotech network"), an North American data-services provider, a capable "outdial" machine who could officiate data transmissions in the Norther Hemisphere. I can recall another well-known machines in the UUCP network as UTAI Toronto, another VAX/VMS shell located in Atlanta, USA, etc.

By the time the Internet was already common, in early 2000s, I rediscovered SDF while looking for a free shell and webhosting facility anywhere in the world. Googl€ was still not such a megalomaniac presence on the data networks. In any case I was able to create an HTML webpage using Frontpage and FTP it into the old Geocities/TK servers. Sadly I neglected and lost my old account.

By 2019 I decided to get a validated account for the first time in an attempt to recreate those GOPHER and old-school HTMLs, and SDF and its community were the place to be. I listened to the shows in the Snowdusk, Tob, Hardmous, Jasmaz, SMJ and several other nice and charismatic characters. I was even able to chat using VOIP.

I really appreciate this UNIX computing center as a way to meet nice people in the data networks, while avoiding nefarious enterprise based social media.

SDF is a great place to enjoy your computing in community, and always trieves to improve.
